
Verzending en verzending van motorfietsen Tijdelijke verzekeringsproducten voor internationale reizen
Niemand heeft het beter gedaanal meer dan 40 jaar. Het is altijd de reis en niet de bestemming!
van onze ruiters...
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Peter R. - The experience of using Motorcycleexpress for flying my bikes and trike, to & from N America has been THE most assured means of achieving my dreams. To ride Gold Wings in N America. It would not have been possible without their help, delivered in a most professional manner. So much so that I have used them since 1999.
Yozsef F. - I would always recommend your company as the service was excellent, in fact more than excellent. It's a pity not all companies operate as professional as you do.
Kevin H. - I just posted some nice comments about both of you on Horizons Unlimited motorcycle forum (will actually post in a few days, allowing for review and moderation). You guys took care of the delivery of my motorcycle to Gatwick last month. Things could not have gone any smoother. Thank you both so much. I've done a lot of travel, but this has been the trip of a lifetime, thanks to your help. Cheers, from Edinburgh.
Tim R. - We are in Toronto waiting to fly out tonight at 11:25p. Dropped the bikes off Tuesday, all went well, and was pleased with the service. Instead if that post card request at the end of your instructions I will send you an awesome picture or two. I know this is what you do but thanks again for you help in making this all happen. When we return we will place a large X on this bucket list item and will probably do it again.
Matthew O. - I have returned from my awesome European trip and thought I give you a quick feedback: everything related to the shipping of the bike went smooth and without a hitch. People were helpful and everything was easy and convenient. Thanks Gail, for all your help, shipping with Motorcycle Express is convenient and easy. I would definitely recommend you to other riders wanting to do the same.
Marcelo L. - Thank you for your support and patience with us. Everything went well and very much more simple than we thought. Thanks again!!
Trevor B. - Everything about the shipping went smoothly. I just wanted to say thank you for arranging the trip for me. Without you it wouldn't have happened.
Michelle M. - Wow! You really are fast! Thank you so very much for your fantastic work and getting me out of a terrible pickle! I hope our adventure is as easy as booking this insurance!
Pavel M. - thank you - little bit late, but better than never - for perfect arrangement of air transportation of my motorbike from Munich to Vancover and back last summer. Everything was ok and went according to the description, all documents was correct, simply great service.
Leon R. - Had a great trip. Cannot begin to thank you enough for all your help and kindness. The trip went without a hitch, there and back. YOU are totally professional in your job and I have recommended you to all my friends who want to travel like I did. Again, I cannot thank you enough.
Paul M. - Thank you and I can tell you that in my past working life I had a lot of employees, so I am qualified to make the next statement. You are a very very efficient and competent representative for your company and I hope both you and your employer recognize it and they appreciate you. I would have loved to have you work for me.